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992 archived articles
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How to Work for the Green While Going Green

Are you an environmentally friendly individual that is looking for the perfect c...

Information on Healthcare Technology Certification

As technology continues to enhance, the need for professionals that know are kno...

Internal Medicine vs. General Practitioner

When you are a general practitioner, also known as a GP, you will be known as th...

Is a D.O. the Same as a Chiropractor?

Both, the D.O., or doctor of osteopathy, and chiropractors provide health care t...

Job Analysis of Mental Health Technicians

Working as a mental health tech, you will be an integral part of the health care...

Job Benefits of an Orthopedic Surgeon

In order to become an orthopedic surgeon, you will have to study and train hard ...

Job Description for a Hospital CEO

If you want to run a hospital and be at the top of the managerial position, cons...

Job Description for Hospital Accounts Receivable Director

Working as a hospital accounts receivable director, means you will be working in...

Job Description of a MDS Coordinator

As an MDS coordinator, you will annually report the minimum data set, or MDS, fo...

Job Description of a Nutritionist

More and more people are beginning to understand that nutrition plays a big role...

Job Description of a Pediatric Pharmacist

In order to become a pediatric pharmacist, you will have to obtain the proper tr...

Job Duties of a Hyperbaric Technician

Working as a hyperbaric technician, you will be responsible for administering hy...

Job Duties of a Plastic Surgeon

Working as a plastic surgeon, you will help patients reconstruct their bodies, s...

Job Specifications for a Health Benefits Coordinator

Ensuring that health care professionals receive benefits is the role of the heal...

Mammalogist Job Description

Mammals are humans and animal species that have certain characteristics, such as...

Natural Products Careers

There are various new job opportunities available today thanks to climate change...

Ophthalmologist Job Description

As an ophthalmologist, you will be responsible for diagnosing and treating patie...

Orthodontics Dental Assisting vs. General Dentistry

As a dental assistant, your role would be to help the dentists with their patien...

Paramedics vs. RN

The tasks of an RN and paramedic are completely different, though they have some...

Plastic Surgeon Facts

As a plastic surgeon, you will be working with patients to help improve their ph...

992 archived articles
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